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Episode Notes:
My post-game piece on the Lions-Vikings matchup, largely quick (for me) takeaways after a hasty rewatch.
Luke Braun’s piece on the Dagger concept
I ranted about Guardian Caps and how people just assume Tua Tagovailoa is making a bad decision here. This video goes over the extremely poor state of evidence regarding its efficacy and the mechanism for why it likely wouldn’t work anyway. This article highlights a number of studies suggesting that on-field testing evidence indicates there is no impact for the Guardian Cap in impact forces. The evidence is not good both in football and in other sports. The types of impacts it helps with are not related to concussion likelihood.
Independent testing that included the VICIS helmet (Zero 1, the prior model from the one Tagovailoa uses) found it to be the best at attenuating forces. The design is, surprisingly, open-source. That’s one reason we have robust data. High school coaches seem to have found an effect. The youth version of the helmet had great scores from independent testing done by Virginia Tech. I mentioned skepticism of the NFL and NFLPA, but it is meaningful that VICIS was at the top of their joint helmet rankings.
Read about the Replay Assistant operation here.
When the Vikings drafted a kicker, Luke Braun wrote about his objections.
The Hiball website seems broken and there’s evidently being made by a new company after Anheiser-Busch discontinued it, but their Amazon store page is active. I mentioned True North energy seltzer, too. There’s also Ardor Energy.
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James - @bigmono
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